Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tell me a story when....

.... you felt God working through you to help another.  Or a time when you felt God was working through someone to help you.

Here are some wonderful stories you passed on to me:

Jesus said:  You are light.  You are salt  (Matt. 5: 13-20)

"I definitely feel that God is working through the children to continually remind me of the glory, beauty, simplicity and peace that God gives to us.  In Sunday School we are going to talk about God's love shining through us.  There are many, many times in my life that I have felt God working through me or others.  However, I don't seem to have the memory to remember specific times :) "

"Without God working through others, I would not be where I am:  feeling safe.  I try hard to listen (to God) so I can be a tool....seeing salt every day...being salt every day."

One mother of young adult children remembers what they taught her.  Her then six-year-old son came home from Summer  Camp and  spontaneously broke into song:  "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind."  She says:  "I still need to be reminded of these things now and then."

Another person remembers facing a difficult conversation in work.  He need ed to tell someone they'd been turned down for something the person dearly hoped for.  He prayed to God that God would speak through him.  "Somehow I knew what to say to her to help her calm now and she was able to get some closure.  She left upset but not humiliated.  A colleague from another agency was there and emailed my boss saying I had salvaged a bad situation.  I never told anyone that all I do is pray."

Thank you for your stories.

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